Startups World


Philip van Nedervelde

Philip van Nedervelde

Philip van Nedervelde

Founded award-winning E-spaces | 30 yrs. XR creator.

Philip is the founder, owner, and CEO of multi-award-winning company E-SPACES, the world’s oldest continuously operated VR—recently ‘XR’—studio, specialized in: design & production of multi-user 3D virtual reality worlds; industrial equipment simulators for Learning & Development (L&D);  VR event venues and training facilities for 450+ synchronous users;  CG visualization of sci-tech and news topics;  visual effects (VFX);  virtual studios for chromakey videography;  3D animated TV commercials

E-spaces has 25+ years of deep experience in virtual reality, in particular multi-user virtual worlds, and is swiftly expanding its presence in the burgeoning field of Augmented Reality (AR). In fact, the company is the world’s oldest continuously operated VR studio, formally incorporated in 1996, founded and led by an award-winning VR veteran of 30 years.

Philip is also a renowned Keynote speaker on subjects of AR / VR, nanotechnology, NBIC convergence, and other areas. Catalyzing the exponentially accelerating convergence of Nano, Bio, Info & Cogno technology fields.

As a tech entrepreneur, Philip focuses on and specializing in making visions, concepts, ideas and dreams from classic ‘hard’ science fiction and future-oriented imaginative exploratory engineering… into daily-life realities. 

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